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 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before.

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Ana K. Skilles

Ana K. Skilles
Membre ☼ la vie est belle.

➜ Métier : étudiante en design

➜ Age : vingt-quatre yo

➜ Statut : fiancée

➜ Messages : 1020

(m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. Empty
MessageSujet: (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before.   (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. EmptyMer 25 Juil - 4:51

alec, au choix skilles
make me your radio, turn me up when you feel low.

✖️ ÂGE: dans sa vingt-deuxième année.
✖️ EMPLOI: au choix, de préférence encore étudiant.
✖️ ORIGINES: suédois.
✖️ AVATAR: carrément négociable, tant qu'il est un minimum canon (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1881463262 (trevor donovan, chris zylka, zac efron, xavier samuel ...) .
✖️ STATUT: au choix.
✖️ ORIENTATION SEXUELLE: au choix, ça pourrait être drôle de le faire homosexuel et donc en énorme conflit avec la famille, encore très conservatrice sur ce point, mais hétéro me convient tout aussi bien. c'est un beau goss mon frérot I love you
✖️ GROUPE: somewhere over the rainbow j'aurais dit, mais ça reste également négociable.
✖️ COPYRIGHT: fuckyeah hunter parrish tumblr.

→ Alec est arrivé chez les Skilles à l'âge de sept ans. Il ne parlait pas anglais, les parents Skilles l'ont ramené de Suède lors d'un voyage d'affaire. Ses parents biologiques ne pouvant subvenir à ses besoins, il fut placé en foyer peu après ses cinq ans, et deux ans plus tard, les Skilles l'adoptèrent. Son nom de famille d'origine est Svensson.
→ L'adaptation fut tumultueuse, surtout du côté d'Ana. Elle ne voulait simplement pas accepter de ne plus être fille unique. La première année fut difficile, mais avec sa bouille d'ange tombé du ciel, elle finit par comprendre qu'il n'allait pas lui voler ses parents et elle décida de le prendre sous son aile. Depuis, la team Skilles fait des ravages partout où elle passe. Quand les Skilles passent, Sunnyside trépasse. Arrow (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1881463262
→ Ana est une pétasse de première, sauf avec son frère. Elle le considère comme son âme soeur, et même si elle aimerait tant passer ses nerfs sur lui parfois, elle met un point d'honneur à ne pas le faire. Bien sur ce n'est pas toujours tout rose à la maison, mais Alec connait une facette d'Ana inconnue au reste de Sunnyside.
→ Venant d'un milieu plus que populaire, il a parfois du mal à supporter toute l'attention qu'apporte d'avoir un compte en banque si rempli. Il est très reconnaissant envers les Skilles de l'avoir sauvé d'un avenir incertain, mais contrairement à Ana, il n'étale pas sa richesse à tout va et essaye de rester le plus terre à terre possible.
→ Un point assez important: il ne cherche absolument pas à retrouver ses parents. Je vous en supplie ne me faites pas un gamin déprimé de la vie à cause de son adoption, Alec le vit très bien, il sait que les Skilles lui ont sauvé la vie et qu'il n'en serait absolument pas là aujourd'hui sans eux.

you and i.
make me your radio, turn me up when you feel low.

(m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. Tumblr_lw48qttNFY1r8nwivo3_500 Fiancée. La nouvelle était tombée comme un coup de massue pour Ana. Vingt-quatre ans, vingt-quatre petites années et voila qu'elle se retrouvait déjà enchainée pour le reste de ses jours. L'heureux élu ? Mike. Elle l'avait détesté, depuis toujours, chaque jour un peu plus fort. Elle avait dépensé tellement d'énergie à l'éviter, mais le karma avait frappé, ils seraient liés jusqu'à ce que mort les sépare, pour le meilleur et surtout pour le pire, les papas avaient parlé. Papa on est plus au Moyen-Âge, modernise-toi un peu. Tu épouseras Mike Hawkes un point c'est tout Anastasia. Et si je dis non ? Je veux dire devant l'autel, si j'envois valser le prêtre, les demoiselles d'honneur et les petits fours ? C'était la seule crainte de Monsieur Skilles. Elle en était capable, c'était bien pour cela qu'il s'inquiétait, lui qui avait promit à son vieil ami mourant que leurs enfants lieraient leurs lignées.Alors tu me verras obligé de te couper les vivres. Sans demander son reste, Ana leva les yeux au ciel et tourna les talons, ne remettant qu'à plus tard une énième dispute. Elle n'avait pas d'amour platonique, ni de dégout profond envers Mike, il est vrai qu'elle avait beaucoup de mal à le supporter depuis leur plus tendre enfance mais il était plutôt mignon comme garçon, même si elle préférait avaler sa langue et sa carte bancaire plutôt que de l'avouer. Non, ce qui la dérangeait réellement était que lui ne voulait pas d'elle, autant qu'elle ne voulait pas que son père lui gèle son compte. Il en aimait une autre, plus gentille, plus docile, plus tout ce qu'Ana n'était pas. Ca chauffe encore avec papa ? Dis bonjour à la future Madame Hawkes. Fous-toi de ma gueule. J'aurais aimé plaisanter Alec, j'aurais aimé. J'aimerais te dire que ca va aller, que je vais trouver une solution mais la vérité c'est que je suis dans la merde petit frère, une merde interplanétairement monumentale, et que pour une fois je ne suis pas fautive. Va te coucher Alec. Il tenta de riposter mais un regard éclair d'Ana le fit changer d'avis et il s'en retourna à sa chambre, aussi vite qu'il en était sorti. Alec était le petit frère adopté d'Ana, son protégé, le seul sur qui elle s'efforçait de ne jamais passer ses nerfs. Il était arrivé dans la famille à sept ans, quittant des parents maltraitants et fauchés. L'acclimatation fut tumultueuse, mais une fois qu'elle le prit sous son ail, ils devinrent inséparables. Maintes fois on les prit pour des jumeaux, et aucun des deux ne prit la peine de rectifier l'erreur. Ils aimaient pensé que c'est ce qu'ils étaient, de faux jumeaux, venant de deux mamans, deux ventres, mais n'en restant pas moins proches. Le sang ne fait pas tout. Ana se ressaisit, et ravalant sa fierté, elle se dirigea vers la porte de la chambre de son frère. En fait je peux rester avec toi ? J'ai besoin d'aide pour trouver ma robe de mariée. Esquissant un sourire rempli de tristesse, elle se faufila dans son lit et se colla à lui, avant d'étouffer un sanglot dans son oreiller. Elle avait tout fait, tout vu, tout entendu, mais ce coup-là, elle ne l'avait carrément pas vu venir. Kirby ne savait plus si en rire ou en pleurer, après tout se marier à l'héritier d'une des plus grandes fortunes du pays n'était pas désagréable, mais malgré ses airs de pimbêches, elle avait toujours pensé qu'elle trouverait le mec qui arriverait à la faire changer, peut-être même à l'accepter comme elle est. Foutus rêves de prince charmant. Au fond c'était juste une gamine pourrie gâtée qui avait passé sa vie à se chercher, sans succès.
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Alec I. Skilles

Alec I. Skilles
Membre ☼ la vie est belle.

➜ Messages : 1

(m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before.   (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. EmptyDim 19 Aoû - 22:28

Soeurette, je suis là (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 577704309 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2065257619 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 84702900
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Ana K. Skilles

Ana K. Skilles
Membre ☼ la vie est belle.

➜ Métier : étudiante en design

➜ Age : vingt-quatre yo

➜ Statut : fiancée

➜ Messages : 1020

(m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before.   (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. EmptyMar 21 Aoû - 5:08

    OUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2213793032 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2965971428 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 583886846 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 258152808 cat I love you Shocked Very Happy (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1688815589 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1161277727 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 239769179 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1828999080 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3499272980 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3317633512 :hola: (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4235651933 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2339336766 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 670437854 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3933776953 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4251308190 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 705918932 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2848245269 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2211939944 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4183024371 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2048740776 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 909487594 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 711552244 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2930634068 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4115138579 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3178713177 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 451817171 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1379411496 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1029754304 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2065257619 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2131143800 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 263356985 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2124793060 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2798907647 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2213793032 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2965971428 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 583886846 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 258152808 cat I love you Shocked Very Happy (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1688815589 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1161277727 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 239769179 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1828999080 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3499272980 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3317633512 :hola: (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4235651933 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2339336766 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 670437854 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3933776953 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4251308190 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 705918932 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2848245269 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2211939944 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4183024371 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2048740776 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 909487594 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 711552244 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2930634068 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4115138579 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3178713177 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 451817171 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1379411496 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1029754304 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2065257619 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2131143800 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 263356985 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2124793060 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2798907647 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2213793032 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2965971428 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 583886846 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 258152808 cat I love you Shocked Very Happy (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1688815589 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1161277727 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 239769179 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1828999080 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3499272980 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3317633512 :hola: (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4235651933 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2339336766 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 670437854 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3933776953 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4251308190 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 705918932 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2848245269 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2211939944 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4183024371 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2048740776 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 909487594 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 711552244 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2930634068 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4115138579 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3178713177 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 451817171 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1379411496 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1029754304 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2065257619 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2131143800 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 263356985 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2124793060 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2798907647 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2213793032 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2965971428 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 583886846 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 258152808 cat I love you Shocked Very Happy (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1688815589 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1161277727 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 239769179 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1828999080 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3499272980 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3317633512 :hola: (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4235651933 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2339336766 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 670437854 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3933776953 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4251308190 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 705918932 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2848245269 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2211939944 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4183024371 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2048740776 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 909487594 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 711552244 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2930634068 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4115138579 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 3178713177 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 451817171 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1379411496 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 1029754304 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2065257619 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2131143800 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 263356985 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2124793060 (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 2798907647
    putin je ne t'attendais juste plus, mais ça fait trop plaisirrrrrr. I love you harcèle-moi de mp pour n'importe quel souci, ou même sans souci. (m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. 4153354820 JE T'AIMEEEEEE
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(m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before. Empty
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(m) hunter parrish △ can you see through the tears ? love you more than those bitches before.

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